Local Girl Scout's Daisy troop #4596 did more than have a play date at the park Tuesday night, they were there to work! The girls showed how much they care about their community by planting two red bud trees at the main city park.
They were all smiles as they got to each take turns shoveling dirt onto the trees and then watering them.
These first grade girls were very proud to know that they would always have a reminder of how they helped to make their park more beautiful.
Planting the trees was fun, but they weren't done yet! After donning their blue gloves, they ran around the park picking up litter.
They were very excited every time that they found a cigarette, soda can, plastic wrapper or other piece of trash. When they were finished, they had filled a large sized trash bag!
"Look how much we found!" Each girl was very proud of what they had accomplished. While wrapping up the work day, many of the girls were talking about how they were so happy that they could make the park a healthier and safer place to play!
These girls are the future of our community and are trying to do their part to take care of and protect it. Way to go girls!!
Gussie Schmitz
This is a great entry... I love to see children get involved and take ownership in their town! :)